Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Turf Disease Control

This time of year in the Willamette Valley, most days consist of cloudy, wet weather.  These conditions are conducive for our most common turf disease, fusarium patch or microdochium nivale.

The past two weeks we have treated all greens, tees, approaches and fairways with a plant protectant to control this disease.  You may have noticed the blue appearance of the turf in these areas.  The blue color is simply a dye that is added to the water in the spray tank, acting as a spray indicator.  This allows the applicator to make a precise application, avoiding any overlaps or missed areas.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Tree Care

With the nice weather in early November, tree work continued using the high lift.  The lift allows us to raise the tree canopy much higher than we could from the ground.  Dead material throughout the interior of the tree is also removed utilizing the lift.  We concentrated our efforts on holes number 10, 13 and 14.

Due to the weather and wet conditions, this is the last of the pruning with the lift for 2016.  We will continue next year!